The mysterious coincidence of Richard Parker by Edgar Allan Poe

In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe published his first and only novel, "The Adventures of Gordon Pym". It tells of a merchant ship on its way to Antarctica, which is facing a shipwreck. The four survivors, at the mercy of the bad weather on a raft, now exasperated by hunger, decide to feed on one of them. The unfortunate is such a Richard Parker. Thanks to this atrocious gesture they manage to save themselves. So far, everything is ok, it's a novel.
The strange thing?
A full 46 years later, the Mignonette yacht, en route to Sidney, is shipwrecked. The four survivors remain in the middle of the ocean without food and without hope, desperate for their ominous fate. They manage to capture a turtle, which they feed on for some time, at the end of which they take a gruesome and gruesome decision. Kill one of them to eat the meat. The choice falls on the seventeen-year-old hub, weaker and more suffering than the others, but above all without a family waiting for him at home. Thanks to this extreme gesture they manage to save themselves. What was the name of the hub boy? Richard Parker.

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